i need all the painkiller
entry profile affies stuff bias DASHBOARD FOLLOW


Sunday 13 October 2013 • 05:42 • 0 comments
Day 25

[9/25/2013 12:09:49 AM] Rebecca: hey :P
[9/25/2013 12:09:55 AM] Rebecca: i adopted 4 new hamster!
[9/25/2013 12:10:02 AM] JJ: yuck
[9/25/2013 12:10:05 AM] JJ: hamsters are bad!!
[9/25/2013 12:10:06 AM] JJ: smelly!
[9/25/2013 12:10:17 AM] JJ: I used to have 4 hamsters
[9/25/2013 12:10:18 AM] Rebecca: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1236460_10201523596245715_118778286_n.jpg
[9/25/2013 12:10:19 AM] JJ: and then one got pregnant
[9/25/2013 12:10:21 AM] JJ: i had 23 hamsters
[9/25/2013 12:10:27 AM] JJ: and then they fk their mother
[9/25/2013 12:10:30 AM] JJ: and i had 40+ hamsters
[9/25/2013 12:10:33 AM] Rebecca: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1277377_10201523589965558_1146002740_o.jpg
[9/25/2013 12:10:42 AM] Rebecca: i got alot last time
[9/25/2013 12:10:48 AM] Rebecca: and now i start again :x
[9/25/2013 12:10:51 AM] JJ: 2 feamle
[9/25/2013 12:10:54 AM] JJ: 2 female
[9/25/2013 12:10:55 AM] JJ: 2 male
[9/25/2013 12:10:55 AM] JJ: u crazy!
[9/25/2013 12:11:02 AM] Rebecca: how u know
[9/25/2013 12:11:03 AM] Rebecca: LOL
[9/25/2013 12:11:22 AM] JJ: if u unsure
[9/25/2013 12:11:23 AM] JJ: u can check
[9/25/2013 12:11:28 AM] JJ: u turn them upside down, on their back
[9/25/2013 12:11:37 AM] JJ: use ur finger, and hmm pull back their vagina/penis area
[9/25/2013 12:11:41 AM] JJ: if something comes out, its a boy
[9/25/2013 12:11:45 AM] Rebecca: yea they are 2 female and 2 male in there.
[9/25/2013 12:11:47 AM] JJ: if nothing, its a girl, u can also compare pics
[9/25/2013 12:11:55 AM] JJ: they are just 2 months old?
[9/25/2013 12:12:02 AM] Rebecca: yea
[9/25/2013 12:12:09 AM] JJ: they will breed at 3-4
[9/25/2013 12:12:11 AM] JJ: good luck!
[9/25/2013 12:12:12 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 12:12:16 AM] JJ: dont worry, they will eat the babies :P
[9/25/2013 12:12:16 AM] Rebecca: im well prepared !
[9/25/2013 12:12:18 AM] Rebecca: :P
[9/25/2013 12:12:20 AM] Rebecca: yea i know .
[9/25/2013 12:12:27 AM] JJ: dont worry if they eat them, its healthy for them
[9/25/2013 12:12:28 AM] Rebecca: half body left if not the legs
[9/25/2013 12:12:28 AM] Rebecca: :l
[9/25/2013 12:12:31 AM] JJ: its not cruel, sharks eat their siblings
[9/25/2013 12:12:35 AM] JJ: thats why only 1 shark is born
[9/25/2013 12:12:39 AM] JJ: the prime shark eats his siblings
[9/25/2013 12:13:20 AM] JJ: education is important
[9/25/2013 12:13:22 AM] JJ: racing is importanter
[9/25/2013 12:13:24 AM] JJ: vroom vrooom
[9/25/2013 12:16:41 AM] JJ: http://www.leekspin.com/
[9/25/2013 12:16:44 AM] JJ: relaxing
[9/25/2013 12:43:59 AM] JJ: REPLY
[9/25/2013 12:43:59 AM] JJ: HURRY
[9/25/2013 12:44:00 AM] JJ: URRY
[9/25/2013 12:44:00 AM] JJ: HURTYSS
[9/25/2013 12:45:36 AM] JJ: AA
[9/25/2013 12:45:36 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:36 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:36 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:37 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:37 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:37 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:37 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:37 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:37 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:38 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:38 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:38 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:38 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:39 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:39 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:39 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:39 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:39 AM] JJ: F
[9/25/2013 12:45:39 AM] JJ: G
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: F
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: F
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: F
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: F
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: G
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: G
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: G
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: G
[9/25/2013 12:45:40 AM] JJ: G
[9/25/2013 12:45:41 AM] JJ: G
[9/25/2013 12:45:41 AM] JJ: H
[9/25/2013 12:45:41 AM] JJ: H
[9/25/2013 12:45:42 AM] JJ: HH
[9/25/2013 12:45:42 AM] JJ: H
[9/25/2013 12:45:42 AM] JJ: H
[9/25/2013 12:45:42 AM] JJ: J
[9/25/2013 12:45:42 AM] JJ: J
[9/25/2013 12:45:43 AM] JJ: J
[9/25/2013 12:45:43 AM] JJ: J
[9/25/2013 12:45:43 AM] JJ: J
[9/25/2013 12:45:43 AM] JJ: JJ
[9/25/2013 12:45:43 AM] JJ: K
[9/25/2013 12:45:43 AM] JJ: L
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: K
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: K
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: K
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: L
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: L
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: L
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: ;
[9/25/2013 12:45:44 AM] JJ: ;
[9/25/2013 12:45:45 AM] JJ: ;
[9/25/2013 12:45:45 AM] JJ: ;
[9/25/2013 12:45:45 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:47 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:47 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:48 AM] JJ: S
[9/25/2013 12:45:48 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:49 AM] JJ: DD
[9/25/2013 12:45:49 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:49 AM] JJ: D
[9/25/2013 12:45:49 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:49 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:49 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:50 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:50 AM] JJ: A
[9/25/2013 12:45:50 AM] JJ: Q
[9/25/2013 12:45:50 AM] JJ: Q
[9/25/2013 12:45:51 AM] JJ: Q
[9/25/2013 12:45:51 AM] JJ: Q
[9/25/2013 12:45:53 AM] JJ: W
[9/25/2013 12:45:53 AM] JJ: W
[9/25/2013 12:45:53 AM] JJ: W
[9/25/2013 12:45:54 AM] JJ: WE
[9/25/2013 12:45:54 AM] JJ: E
[9/25/2013 12:45:55 AM] JJ: E
[9/25/2013 12:45:55 AM] JJ: R
[9/25/2013 12:45:55 AM] JJ: R
[9/25/2013 12:45:55 AM] JJ: R
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: T
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: T
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: T
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: Y
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: Y
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: U
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: U
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: I
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: I
[9/25/2013 12:45:56 AM] JJ: O
[9/25/2013 12:45:57 AM] JJ: O
[9/25/2013 12:45:57 AM] JJ: P
[9/25/2013 12:45:57 AM] JJ: P[
[9/25/2013 12:45:57 AM] JJ: [
[9/25/2013 12:45:58 AM] JJ: [
[9/25/2013 12:45:58 AM] JJ: Z
[9/25/2013 12:45:58 AM] JJ: X
[9/25/2013 12:45:58 AM] JJ: X
[9/25/2013 12:45:58 AM] JJ: CC
[9/25/2013 12:45:58 AM] JJ: VB
[9/25/2013 12:45:59 AM] JJ: VB
[9/25/2013 12:45:59 AM] JJ: B
[9/25/2013 12:45:59 AM] JJ: N
[9/25/2013 12:45:59 AM] JJ: MN
[9/25/2013 12:46:00 AM] JJ: M
[9/25/2013 12:46:00 AM] JJ: ,
[9/25/2013 12:46:00 AM] JJ: ,.
[9/25/2013 12:46:00 AM] JJ: ./.
[9/25/2013 1:12:43 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:12:43 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:12:43 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:12:43 AM] JJ: as
[9/25/2013 1:12:43 AM] JJ: s
[9/25/2013 1:12:43 AM] JJ: s
[9/25/2013 1:12:44 AM] JJ: s
[9/25/2013 1:12:44 AM] JJ: d
[9/25/2013 1:12:44 AM] JJ: d
[9/25/2013 1:12:44 AM] JJ: d
[9/25/2013 1:12:45 AM] JJ: f
[9/25/2013 1:12:45 AM] JJ: f
[9/25/2013 1:12:45 AM] JJ: f
[9/25/2013 1:12:45 AM] JJ: g
[9/25/2013 1:12:45 AM] JJ: g
[9/25/2013 1:12:46 AM] JJ: h
[9/25/2013 1:12:46 AM] JJ: h
[9/25/2013 1:12:46 AM] JJ: jhk
[9/25/2013 1:12:46 AM] JJ: j
[9/25/2013 1:12:46 AM] JJ: kl
[9/25/2013 1:12:46 AM] JJ: sfgd;
[9/25/2013 1:12:47 AM] JJ: s
[9/25/2013 1:12:47 AM] JJ: ]gs[;
[9/25/2013 1:12:47 AM] JJ: fgdsl;
[9/25/2013 1:12:47 AM] JJ: fgdsl[d]s
[9/25/2013 1:12:48 AM] JJ: fgsaa
[9/25/2013 1:12:48 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:12:48 AM] JJ: as
[9/25/2013 1:12:49 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:12:49 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:12:49 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:40:17 AM] JJ: as
[9/25/2013 1:40:17 AM] JJ: s
[9/25/2013 1:40:17 AM] JJ: sdf
[9/25/2013 1:40:17 AM] JJ:  d
[9/25/2013 1:40:17 AM] JJ: f
[9/25/2013 1:40:18 AM] JJ: dsfa
[9/25/2013 1:40:18 AM] JJ: re
[9/25/2013 1:40:18 AM] JJ: wr
[9/25/2013 1:40:18 AM] JJ: 123
[9/25/2013 1:40:18 AM] JJ: 2
[9/25/2013 1:40:19 AM] JJ: 3
[9/25/2013 1:40:19 AM] JJ: 23
[9/25/2013 1:40:19 AM] JJ: 42
[9/25/2013 1:40:19 AM] JJ: d
[9/25/2013 1:40:19 AM] JJ: d
[9/25/2013 1:40:19 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:40:20 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 1:40:20 AM] JJ: s
[9/25/2013 1:40:20 AM] JJ: s
[9/25/2013 1:40:35 AM] *** Missed call from JJ. ***
[9/25/2013 2:43:02 AM] JJ: sd
[9/25/2013 2:43:02 AM] JJ:  gs
[9/25/2013 2:43:03 AM] JJ: dgs
[9/25/2013 2:43:03 AM] JJ: ds
[9/25/2013 2:43:03 AM] JJ: as
[9/25/2013 2:43:03 AM] JJ: fas
[9/25/2013 2:43:03 AM] JJ: rwe
[9/25/2013 2:43:03 AM] JJ: 456
[9/25/2013 2:43:04 AM] JJ: 245
[9/25/2013 2:43:04 AM] JJ: 4325
[9/25/2013 2:43:04 AM] JJ: 76
[9/25/2013 2:43:04 AM] JJ: 786
[9/25/2013 2:43:04 AM] JJ: 8
[9/25/2013 2:43:05 AM] JJ: 76
[9/25/2013 2:43:05 AM] JJ: 22
[9/25/2013 2:43:05 AM] JJ: 2
[9/25/2013 2:43:07 AM] JJ: u hate me or what!
[9/25/2013 4:37:27 AM] Rebecca: heys
[9/25/2013 4:37:44 AM] Rebecca: i'm sorry.. i just had a rough day jus now
[9/25/2013 4:38:06 AM] JJ: want to talk about it?
[9/25/2013 4:38:32 AM] Rebecca: i'm in a very sad voice now . haha dun wanna let you hear it.
[9/25/2013 4:38:46 AM] JJ: why not
[9/25/2013 4:40:04 AM] Rebecca: i join call
[9/25/2013 4:41:33 AM] Rebecca: im in the call alrdy...
[9/25/2013 4:41:43 AM] Rebecca: i cant really speak out...
[9/25/2013 5:38:37 AM] JJ: so how come you had bad day
[9/25/2013 5:42:45 AM] Rebecca: Sorry I didn't play properly just now
[9/25/2013 5:42:59 AM] Rebecca: My left eye is now sore
[9/25/2013 5:45:07 AM] JJ: u played good
[9/25/2013 5:45:12 AM] JJ: but what is wrong  how come u had bad day
[9/25/2013 5:48:31 AM] JJ: i need go soon..
[9/25/2013 5:48:34 AM] JJ: rtry reply faster
[9/25/2013 5:50:16 AM] JJ: well?
[9/25/2013 5:50:17 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 5:50:17 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 5:50:17 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 5:50:17 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 5:50:17 AM] JJ: a
[9/25/2013 5:52:34 AM] *** Missed call from JJ. ***
[9/25/2013 5:52:49 AM] *** Missed call from JJ. ***
[9/25/2013 5:53:46 AM] Rebecca: Uh
[9/25/2013 5:53:53 AM] Rebecca: My phone hang
[9/25/2013 5:53:55 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 5:54:05 AM] JJ: hurry
[9/25/2013 5:54:08 AM] JJ: coz i need to go really soon
[9/25/2013 5:54:12 AM] JJ: or i dont have enough time todo my things
[9/25/2013 5:55:13 AM] Rebecca: Well I tried to go with she guys again and poof all gone now. This is why I told you I don't wanna try dating sg guys anymore
[9/25/2013 5:55:32 AM] Rebecca: Best to stay single... For life
[9/25/2013 5:56:04 AM] JJ: what you men you tired to go with she guys
[9/25/2013 5:56:20 AM] Rebecca: Sg*
[9/25/2013 5:57:00 AM] JJ: ah
[9/25/2013 5:57:01 AM] JJ: why u try
[9/25/2013 5:57:05 AM] JJ: u even know him long?
[9/25/2013 5:58:12 AM] JJ: hurrrrrry
[9/25/2013 5:58:16 AM] Rebecca: Been 2months and he told me he liked me even when we met.. And I give it a try next moment say don't want anymore
[9/25/2013 5:58:27 AM] JJ: why he dont want>
[9/25/2013 5:58:31 AM] Rebecca: Nvm u go ahead talk to you other time
[9/25/2013 5:58:35 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 5:58:39 AM] JJ: its for ur own good that i leave :P
[9/25/2013 5:59:07 AM] Rebecca: :)
[9/25/2013 5:59:15 AM] JJ: so why he not want?
[9/25/2013 5:59:25 AM] Rebecca: Tell you other time
[9/25/2013 5:59:31 AM] JJ: just tell me now
[9/25/2013 5:59:47 AM] Rebecca: Long story
[9/25/2013 5:59:51 AM] JJ: so tell
[9/25/2013 5:59:54 AM] JJ: and hurry :P
[9/25/2013 6:00:13 AM] Rebecca: Not now James.. I'll tell you other time :)
[9/25/2013 6:00:17 AM] JJ: why
[9/25/2013 6:00:42 AM] Rebecca: I left 1 hour to sleep before going work :)
[9/25/2013 6:00:48 AM] JJ: wow
[9/25/2013 6:00:49 AM] JJ: why u stay awake?
[9/25/2013 6:01:01 AM] Rebecca: Cause it just happened
[9/25/2013 6:01:06 AM] JJ: hmm
[9/25/2013 6:01:13 AM] Rebecca: Like 3hours ago
[9/25/2013 6:01:17 AM] JJ: wow
[9/25/2013 6:01:22 AM] JJ: u should not date on a week night
[9/25/2013 6:01:51 AM] Rebecca: Too much to handle now
[9/25/2013 6:01:56 AM] JJ: hmm
[9/25/2013 6:02:06 AM] JJ: well i will go in sec :P because i will be too flirty
[9/25/2013 6:02:08 AM] JJ: and that is bad of me
[9/25/2013 6:02:13 AM] JJ: i will go for my ''boy time''
[9/25/2013 6:02:20 AM] Rebecca: Ok
[9/25/2013 6:02:26 AM] JJ: but all I can say is hmmm
[9/25/2013 6:02:30 AM] JJ: cheer up.. he not the last
[9/25/2013 6:02:35 AM] JJ: plenty of more guys
[9/25/2013 6:02:42 AM] JJ: he simply just not good enough for you
[9/25/2013 6:02:59 AM] Rebecca: This time I'm really really given up on sg guys
[9/25/2013 6:03:12 AM] JJ: yes maybe that is for the best
[9/25/2013 6:03:36 AM] Rebecca: Shall stayed single till the day I'm gone
[9/25/2013 6:03:37 AM] JJ: but dont give up on guys all together
[9/25/2013 6:03:43 AM] JJ: if you were here, id steal ya
[9/25/2013 6:03:59 AM] JJ: many other guys will too
[9/25/2013 6:04:08 AM] JJ: so dont give up on guys all together
[9/25/2013 6:04:10 AM] JJ: just.. take break from sg guys
[9/25/2013 6:04:13 AM] JJ: or take break from dating
[9/25/2013 6:04:18 AM] Rebecca: Neh not sg guys not anymore
[9/25/2013 6:04:28 AM] JJ: you dont need a bf
[9/25/2013 6:04:32 AM] JJ: so, dont look for one
[9/25/2013 6:04:43 AM] JJ: just, flirt with the guys you know in real life
[9/25/2013 6:04:45 AM] JJ: but dont make anything of it
[9/25/2013 6:04:51 AM] Rebecca: Not going look for one anymore
[9/25/2013 6:04:53 AM] JJ: that way, you feel loved and comfortable, without the pain and attachment u know?
[9/25/2013 6:05:12 AM] JJ: but you seem like really innocent girl
[9/25/2013 6:05:15 AM] JJ: so you need to be careful
[9/25/2013 6:05:26 AM] JJ: evne for me, i think you are way too innocent
[9/25/2013 6:05:36 AM] JJ: that is a good thing.. just.. ouch, painful for you because
[9/25/2013 6:05:37 AM] Rebecca: I don't flirt. And I don't know how.. I'm seriously giving up already
[9/25/2013 6:05:37 AM] JJ: hmm
[9/25/2013 6:05:42 AM] JJ: its easy to flirt
[9/25/2013 6:05:46 AM] JJ: you just say kind thins
[9/25/2013 6:05:47 AM] JJ: things
[9/25/2013 6:06:03 AM] JJ: you just hmm speak sweet type things, like childish pick up lines
[9/25/2013 6:06:15 AM] JJ: but you dont want to over do it~
[9/25/2013 6:06:27 AM] Rebecca: Not gonna do it
[9/25/2013 6:06:40 AM] JJ: yea dont do it yet, take a break first
[9/25/2013 6:06:52 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 6:07:03 AM] Rebecca: As in I won't do it even after break
[9/25/2013 6:07:09 AM] JJ: why not
[9/25/2013 6:07:13 AM] JJ: its healthy
[9/25/2013 6:07:19 AM] Rebecca: Too much
[9/25/2013 6:07:25 AM] JJ: too much?
[9/25/2013 6:07:50 AM] Rebecca: And me? This type of girl flirt in sg. Become they flirt me not them
[9/25/2013 6:08:30 AM] JJ: hmm
[9/25/2013 6:08:34 AM] JJ: you are very innocent!
[9/25/2013 6:08:41 AM] Rebecca: Nobody in sg guys would like me this type and fat of girls . All likes skinny and pretty
[9/25/2013 6:09:19 AM] Rebecca: Agh forget it not gonna date any sg guy again! Never..
[9/25/2013 6:09:31 AM] JJ: you are not fat
[9/25/2013 6:09:33 AM] JJ: you are sexy
[9/25/2013 6:09:47 AM] Rebecca: That's what you think but not local guys
[9/25/2013 6:09:50 AM] JJ: and even if you are fat, that dont change that you are sexy
[9/25/2013 6:10:05 AM] Rebecca: They like to compare gfs which I had no idea why
[9/25/2013 6:10:18 AM] JJ: u just need more confidence
[9/25/2013 6:10:29 AM] Rebecca: Eeeeee why you pick a girl so fat blah blah blah
[9/25/2013 6:10:35 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:10:36 AM] JJ: ur not fat
[9/25/2013 6:10:39 AM] JJ: ur sexy as hell
[9/25/2013 6:10:53 AM] Rebecca: I get this kind before and straight away
[9/25/2013 6:10:57 AM] Rebecca: Broke up
[9/25/2013 6:10:58 AM] JJ: if u were here, im already pulling you up to bed ha ha
[9/25/2013 6:11:15 AM] JJ: many guys will think you are sexy
[9/25/2013 6:11:21 AM] JJ: maybe sg guys just really are the worst :0
[9/25/2013 6:11:23 AM] JJ: :)
[9/25/2013 6:11:33 AM] JJ: but for white guys, yes you are much sexier than other sg girls
[9/25/2013 6:11:39 AM] JJ: those skinny sluts are annoying and ugly
[9/25/2013 6:11:51 AM] Rebecca: Local guys is really too much for me .. Just too hurtful
[9/25/2013 6:11:56 AM] JJ: hmm
[9/25/2013 6:12:03 AM] JJ: i dunno, see, im not a good type guy either
[9/25/2013 6:12:14 AM] JJ: i very~ naughty guy when have g'f
[9/25/2013 6:12:25 AM] JJ: too clingy as in, kissing etc
[9/25/2013 6:12:37 AM] JJ: i think a good few white people like that
[9/25/2013 6:12:44 AM] JJ: some are just more casual
[9/25/2013 6:13:00 AM] JJ: and besides, looks rarely matter to guys
[9/25/2013 6:13:01 AM] Rebecca: But at least you take good care of your gf and don't care how they looked
[9/25/2013 6:13:05 AM] JJ: and your personality, can turn any guy on so easy
[9/25/2013 6:13:17 AM] Rebecca: Local guys. First impression looks
[9/25/2013 6:13:18 AM] JJ: hmm of course i dont care how she looks
[9/25/2013 6:13:26 AM] JJ: but that not true
[9/25/2013 6:13:27 AM] JJ: because...
[9/25/2013 6:13:30 AM] JJ: if she is my g'f..
[9/25/2013 6:13:32 AM] JJ: she is beautiful to me
[9/25/2013 6:13:40 AM] JJ: i want to kiss her lips every second, kiss every part of her body
[9/25/2013 6:13:48 AM] JJ: i never want to get out of bed in the morning and just want to cuddle
[9/25/2013 6:13:55 AM] JJ: so.. looks do matter, its just the personality is what decides the looks
[9/25/2013 6:14:27 AM] JJ: you got the personality and looks, honest
[9/25/2013 6:14:46 AM] JJ: you really, really got the personality :P
[9/25/2013 6:14:56 AM] JJ: and im proof of that, you drive me crazy many times before
[9/25/2013 6:15:12 AM] Rebecca: Yeap I get that before .. You're my gf I don't care what people think about you . And boom his father's bdae I was there and his father said super loud to all his friends there said that "she so fat not my son's Gf la!"
[9/25/2013 6:15:34 AM] JJ: id knock him out
[9/25/2013 6:15:41 AM] JJ: anyways, for me, bigger you are the beter
[9/25/2013 6:15:43 AM] Rebecca: And he break off with me
[9/25/2013 6:15:44 AM] JJ: better
[9/25/2013 6:15:48 AM] JJ: more places to hug and kiss
[9/25/2013 6:15:53 AM] JJ: many guys feel that way :P
[9/25/2013 6:15:54 AM] Rebecca: Just because of his dad
[9/25/2013 6:16:03 AM] Rebecca: Boom another hurtful one
[9/25/2013 6:16:24 AM] JJ: sorry you had to experience that
[9/25/2013 6:16:31 AM] JJ: but it really is his loss
[9/25/2013 6:16:39 AM] JJ: you are hot
[9/25/2013 6:16:40 AM] JJ: sexy as hell
[9/25/2013 6:16:44 AM] JJ: and you easily turn me on :P
[9/25/2013 6:16:53 AM] JJ: and, its actually very hard to do that lol
[9/25/2013 6:17:08 AM] JJ: dont underestimate yourself
[9/25/2013 6:17:21 AM] Rebecca: I didn't even know I can turn u on
[9/25/2013 6:17:24 AM] JJ: of course
[9/25/2013 6:17:31 AM] JJ: why do you think my breathing gets heavy when we are on mic
[9/25/2013 6:17:32 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:17:49 AM] Rebecca: And I don't even know why and how I did that :/
[9/25/2013 6:17:49 AM] JJ: and when you were singing on mic, i was 1 second away from trying to make love to you ha ha
[9/25/2013 6:17:58 AM] JJ: because, you have naturally amazing personality :P
[9/25/2013 6:18:07 AM] JJ: and yes, you are sexy ;p
[9/25/2013 6:18:14 AM] JJ: ive seen you on webcam, so i do know how you look
[9/25/2013 6:18:24 AM] JJ: and if hmm things were different, as in real life real life
[9/25/2013 6:18:28 AM] JJ: i really am already asking you out
[9/25/2013 6:18:32 AM] JJ: i wouldnt even care if you said no
[9/25/2013 6:18:36 AM] JJ: i would still kiss you
[9/25/2013 6:18:55 AM] JJ: and im very confident, i am just 1 guy out of the millions who also will feel that way
[9/25/2013 6:19:05 AM] Rebecca: Sooooo feb youre coming I should hide ?
[9/25/2013 6:19:05 AM] JJ: you just need be more confident, and maybe a bit patient
[9/25/2013 6:19:13 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 6:19:16 AM] JJ: i wont try anything on you dont worry
[9/25/2013 6:19:19 AM] JJ: i wont fool/toy with you
[9/25/2013 6:19:31 AM] JJ: id restrain myself very good :P
[9/25/2013 6:19:50 AM] Rebecca: Hey
[9/25/2013 6:20:05 AM] Rebecca: You're late ? Are you? :x
[9/25/2013 6:20:12 AM] JJ: :P its ok
[9/25/2013 6:20:15 AM] JJ: its boy thing..
[9/25/2013 6:20:26 AM] Rebecca: Ah okok
[9/25/2013 6:20:36 AM] JJ: i dont to play games with u
[9/25/2013 6:20:45 AM] JJ: because, our distance cant be fixed, and you are actually a bit too young for me
[9/25/2013 6:20:50 AM] JJ: and, our life is in very diff stages
[9/25/2013 6:21:06 AM] JJ: but, that dont mean I cant be honest with you
[9/25/2013 6:21:14 AM] JJ: and what i said about how attractive you are is true
[9/25/2013 6:21:20 AM] JJ: you are HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT
[9/25/2013 6:21:45 AM] Rebecca: Too much o's becomes hoot
[9/25/2013 6:21:51 AM] JJ: fine
[9/25/2013 6:21:53 AM] JJ: you make me horny
[9/25/2013 6:22:04 AM] JJ: you are sexy, you are hot, you are... a turn on
[9/25/2013 6:22:18 AM] JJ: no more hoot
[9/25/2013 6:22:18 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:22:24 AM] Rebecca: Haha
[9/25/2013 6:22:29 AM] JJ: you can make me, want to kiss you
[9/25/2013 6:22:34 AM] JJ: you can make me, want to even make love to you
[9/25/2013 6:22:51 AM] JJ: and this is not a big deal.. because i really am just 1 in the millions of guys you can make feel that way
[9/25/2013 6:23:09 AM] Rebecca: Thanks for the kind words and I didn't know I was too young for you
[9/25/2013 6:23:32 AM] JJ: you are yes, because hmm
[9/25/2013 6:23:50 AM] JJ: age is a strict thing here.. and a very strict thing in my family
[9/25/2013 6:23:59 AM] JJ: im turning 28, I should have already had children since I was 21
[9/25/2013 6:24:29 AM] JJ: I also, had very bad relationship, so, i am not hmm so comfortable in a relationship, a bit scared woman will cheat
[9/25/2013 6:24:36 AM] JJ: I feel 99%.. of women will cheat on me
[9/25/2013 6:24:39 AM] JJ: and sometimes, I feel its 100%
[9/25/2013 6:25:19 AM] JJ: im also very active guy as in
[9/25/2013 6:25:25 AM] JJ: i like to kiss and make love as much as possible
[9/25/2013 6:25:27 AM] JJ: everyday is a must!
[9/25/2013 6:25:43 AM] Rebecca: What age of girls are not too young for u
[9/25/2013 6:25:49 AM] JJ: hmm
[9/25/2013 6:25:52 AM] JJ: depends
[9/25/2013 6:25:57 AM] JJ: for my mothers choice.. girl whom is 30+
[9/25/2013 6:26:03 AM] JJ: 2 years older than the male here
[9/25/2013 6:26:17 AM] JJ: women should be older than the male here, because they age faster, and get weaker
[9/25/2013 6:26:23 AM] JJ: man needs to be young enough to take care of her
[9/25/2013 6:26:30 AM] JJ: males, age slower than females here
[9/25/2013 6:26:52 AM] JJ: if girl is too young... man might out live her
[9/25/2013 6:26:55 AM] JJ: she will be frail and alone..
[9/25/2013 6:27:03 AM] JJ: that is a painful experience that the man should have
[9/25/2013 6:27:50 AM] Rebecca: Dang it. Why am I so young hais
[9/25/2013 6:27:52 AM] JJ: dont worry so much rebecca :P
[9/25/2013 6:27:58 AM] JJ: relax, id still break the rule to kiss you lol
[9/25/2013 6:28:05 AM] Rebecca: Lolol
[9/25/2013 6:28:06 AM] JJ: im sure your kiss tastes amazing
[9/25/2013 6:28:23 AM] Rebecca: Shall see ! LOL
[9/25/2013 6:28:36 AM] JJ: you are just lucky you are in sg now
[9/25/2013 6:28:57 AM] Rebecca: But not for long you'll be here
[9/25/2013 6:29:04 AM] JJ: but i wont be there for long :P
[9/25/2013 6:29:10 AM] JJ: i need to work in australia for 1-2
[9/25/2013 6:29:17 AM] Rebecca: I know ...
[9/25/2013 6:29:56 AM] JJ: now
[9/25/2013 6:29:58 AM] JJ: shut up and get in my bed
[9/25/2013 6:29:59 AM] JJ: i want you
[9/25/2013 6:30:18 AM] Rebecca: Ok ! I'm upstairs
[9/25/2013 6:30:23 AM] JJ: dont bother undress
[9/25/2013 6:30:23 AM] Rebecca: Hahahahaha
[9/25/2013 6:30:24 AM] JJ: let my teeth do that
[9/25/2013 6:30:55 AM] Rebecca: :P
[9/25/2013 6:31:01 AM] JJ: ok :P
[9/25/2013 6:31:05 AM] JJ: now i really need to do my ''boy thing''
[9/25/2013 6:31:05 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:31:07 AM] JJ: really. really
[9/25/2013 6:31:18 AM] Rebecca: Oops :x kk
[9/25/2013 6:31:33 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 6:31:38 AM] JJ: its ok, i have ur pics
[9/25/2013 6:31:57 AM] Rebecca: Uh ?!
[9/25/2013 6:32:11 AM] JJ: see
[9/25/2013 6:32:13 AM] JJ: told you im bad :P
[9/25/2013 6:32:22 AM] Rebecca: Looking at my pics to do your "boy thing" ?
[9/25/2013 6:32:28 AM] JJ: yes
[9/25/2013 6:32:29 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:32:32 AM] Rebecca: LOloL
[9/25/2013 6:32:34 AM] JJ: im bad :D
[9/25/2013 6:32:45 AM] Rebecca: Hahahahaha :P
[9/25/2013 6:32:55 AM] Rebecca: Kk go do your boy things
[9/25/2013 6:32:56 AM] JJ: what did you think i was doing that time on mic ?
[9/25/2013 6:33:11 AM] Rebecca: Which time ? LOl
[9/25/2013 6:33:15 AM] JJ: i hardly breath heavy because sleeping
[9/25/2013 6:33:16 AM] JJ: the time u ask me
[9/25/2013 6:33:19 AM] JJ: ''what are you doing?''
[9/25/2013 6:33:21 AM] JJ: when u were singing
[9/25/2013 6:33:21 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 6:33:29 AM] JJ: i think u heard some of my breath
[9/25/2013 6:33:29 AM] Rebecca: Ohhhh!
[9/25/2013 6:33:42 AM] Rebecca: So boy things going on there
[9/25/2013 6:33:49 AM] JJ: haha just that time
[9/25/2013 6:33:58 AM] JJ: it was when i saw u on web
[9/25/2013 6:34:06 AM] Rebecca: Now I know what you're doing that time ! :P
[9/25/2013 6:34:13 AM] JJ: in my mind
[9/25/2013 6:34:14 AM] JJ: i was doing you
[9/25/2013 6:34:15 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:34:35 AM] JJ: see :P you are sexy as hell
[9/25/2013 6:34:49 AM] Rebecca: LOLOL
[9/25/2013 6:34:51 AM] JJ: if my hand was long enough, i already smack ur ass
[9/25/2013 6:35:28 AM] Rebecca: Hahahahaha :P
[9/25/2013 6:35:47 AM] JJ: your bottom lip sore?
[9/25/2013 6:35:55 AM] Rebecca: But oh well... I'm too young for you :/
[9/25/2013 6:36:16 AM] JJ: ah except for the distance, i think id let age pass :P
[9/25/2013 6:36:28 AM] JJ: so is your bottom lip sore?
[9/25/2013 6:36:44 AM] Rebecca: Erm it's dry now :/
[9/25/2013 6:36:50 AM] JJ: oo, I can fix that
[9/25/2013 6:37:11 AM] JJ: ill try not bite it too hard :D
[9/25/2013 6:37:12 AM] Rebecca: Distance is not really a problem tho
[9/25/2013 6:37:21 AM] JJ: it is
[9/25/2013 6:37:24 AM] Rebecca: Don't even bite !
[9/25/2013 6:37:28 AM] JJ: my last relationship, was over 4 years online
[9/25/2013 6:37:33 AM] JJ: it was hell.......
[9/25/2013 6:37:41 AM] JJ: the missing... the unknown...
[9/25/2013 6:37:44 AM] JJ: its haunting..
[9/25/2013 6:37:54 AM] JJ: the nights you wake up at 2am.. and you wonder what she is doing..
[9/25/2013 6:38:00 AM] JJ: they are the most lonely nights
[9/25/2013 6:38:09 AM] JJ: and some mornings, you wake up known you dream you were together in person
[9/25/2013 6:38:20 AM] Rebecca: I dare not so that. It's because I don't wan my partner to do also
[9/25/2013 6:38:21 AM] JJ: but it was just a dream, so you wake up with the most empty feeling ever
[9/25/2013 6:38:30 AM] Rebecca: Oh..
[9/25/2013 6:38:40 AM] JJ: it really has such bad sides :P
[9/25/2013 6:38:50 AM] JJ: its like this...
[9/25/2013 6:38:53 AM] JJ: imagine we are together ok?
[9/25/2013 6:38:56 AM] Rebecca: Why not look at the goods ?
[9/25/2013 6:38:58 AM] JJ: we fall inlove, we spend  1 month together
[9/25/2013 6:39:08 AM] JJ: then, we dont see eachother for 2 years
[9/25/2013 6:39:10 AM] JJ: or 1 year
[9/25/2013 6:39:19 AM] JJ: can you imagine how painful that would be to you?
[9/25/2013 6:39:38 AM] JJ: plane tickets are very expensive too
[9/25/2013 6:39:47 AM] JJ: and, im unable to live in sg perm
[9/25/2013 6:39:50 AM] JJ: im not a resident
[9/25/2013 6:40:31 AM] JJ: that is why i dont want to play games or lead you on rebecca
[9/25/2013 6:40:33 AM] Rebecca: Well you can if you apply or even married here
[9/25/2013 6:40:35 AM] JJ: i want to be honest with you fromt he start
[9/25/2013 6:40:43 AM] Rebecca: I think I not very sure tho
[9/25/2013 6:40:51 AM] JJ: hmm, but i wont be able to work
[9/25/2013 6:41:01 AM] JJ: and the sg price of living, way too high, very corrupt gov
[9/25/2013 6:41:12 AM] Rebecca: Yeap
[9/25/2013 6:41:20 AM] JJ: and, it would not change fact, that i already need raise my brothers and sister
[9/25/2013 6:41:30 AM] JJ: and take care of my mom, i still need to work in australia for 1-2 years to pay for their college
[9/25/2013 6:41:51 AM] Rebecca: Thats why that time I told you if I got chance I will leave sg and start my own family
[9/25/2013 6:42:06 AM] JJ: sg is nice country.. just shit gov
[9/25/2013 6:42:35 AM] JJ: i cant be your boyfriend~ but when we meet, I can give you the biggest hug and kiss you ever had :P
[9/25/2013 6:42:45 AM] Rebecca: Lolol
[9/25/2013 6:42:58 AM] JJ: just dont get angry if my pants stick out
[9/25/2013 6:43:01 AM] JJ: that is your fault
[9/25/2013 6:43:05 AM] JJ: you are too sexy, not my fault.
[9/25/2013 6:43:10 AM] Rebecca: Hahahahaha !!!
[9/25/2013 6:43:37 AM] JJ: what age did you lose your virginity at? :P
[9/25/2013 6:43:55 AM] Rebecca: Seriously ?
[9/25/2013 6:44:00 AM] JJ: too personal?
[9/25/2013 6:44:05 AM] Rebecca: Erm last year
[9/25/2013 6:44:10 AM] Rebecca: -.- lol
[9/25/2013 6:44:15 AM] JJ: good age
[9/25/2013 6:44:25 AM] JJ: I  was 24
[9/25/2013 6:44:34 AM] JJ: my first kiss, was at 19
[9/25/2013 6:44:43 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:44:45 AM] JJ: I was a loser!
[9/25/2013 6:44:49 AM] Rebecca: Why
[9/25/2013 6:44:56 AM] JJ: wanted it to be special!
[9/25/2013 6:45:17 AM] JJ: i used to think.. i wanted my first, to be my first.. the one i spend my life with
[9/25/2013 6:45:19 AM] JJ: the one and only
[9/25/2013 6:45:21 AM] JJ: now... I feel..
[9/25/2013 6:45:33 AM] JJ: although my future wife is not my first...
[9/25/2013 6:45:42 AM] JJ: since ive done before, i know how to appreciate
[9/25/2013 6:45:46 AM] JJ: and i know how much more special it will be
[9/25/2013 6:45:50 AM] JJ: than what I had before
[9/25/2013 6:46:00 AM] JJ: ill know, that nothing can compare to making love to my future wife
[9/25/2013 6:46:13 AM] JJ: because my past.. not really good actually
[9/25/2013 6:46:19 AM] JJ: not so special
[9/25/2013 6:46:22 AM] Rebecca: Well good luck to your future wife. Lucky girl !
[9/25/2013 6:46:29 AM] JJ: why are your clothes still on?
[9/25/2013 6:46:32 AM] JJ: lol jk!
[9/25/2013 6:46:44 AM] Rebecca: Cause it's not off !
[9/25/2013 6:46:48 AM] Rebecca: LOL
[9/25/2013 6:47:01 AM] JJ: i promise you will meet someone
[9/25/2013 6:47:09 AM] JJ: if not
[9/25/2013 6:47:14 AM] JJ: if you end up one of those single old ladies
[9/25/2013 6:47:16 AM] JJ: give me a call
[9/25/2013 6:47:50 AM] Rebecca: Why give you a call
[9/25/2013 6:47:59 AM] JJ: things might be different then :P
[9/25/2013 6:48:18 AM] Rebecca: By the time I'm like old until nobody wants already
[9/25/2013 6:48:25 AM] JJ: so then give me a call
[9/25/2013 6:48:26 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 6:48:32 AM] JJ: maybe im closer to you then
[9/25/2013 6:48:42 AM] Rebecca: Single old ladies is how old ? Lol
[9/25/2013 6:48:48 AM] JJ: hmm not sure
[9/25/2013 6:49:19 AM] Rebecca: By the time I'm single old lady I think you would have a wife already haha
[9/25/2013 6:49:20 AM] JJ: i think its like 30+
[9/25/2013 6:49:27 AM] JJ: but.. 30 is still young lol
[9/25/2013 6:49:36 AM] Rebecca: 31?
[9/25/2013 6:49:39 AM] JJ: 30 is still very young
[9/25/2013 6:49:42 AM] JJ: maybe 30 and 1/2
[9/25/2013 6:49:42 AM] Rebecca: :x
[9/25/2013 6:49:44 AM] JJ: hahaha
[9/25/2013 6:49:49 AM] Rebecca: Hahahaha
[9/25/2013 6:50:14 AM] JJ: first time painful?
[9/25/2013 6:50:28 AM] JJ: a lot of women say its very painful
[9/25/2013 6:50:39 AM] Rebecca: Yea
[9/25/2013 6:50:51 AM] JJ: but i was never sure if its just painful because the guy is not romantic
[9/25/2013 6:50:57 AM] JJ: and is just.. like force fast
[9/25/2013 6:51:24 AM] Rebecca: Idk not sure about it
[9/25/2013 6:51:59 AM] Rebecca: I only know it hurts so bad and I dare not do it again x.x
[9/25/2013 6:52:04 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 6:52:06 AM] JJ: you only done once?
[9/25/2013 6:52:13 AM] Rebecca: Yea
[9/25/2013 6:52:17 AM] JJ: lol... but
[9/25/2013 6:52:24 AM] JJ: you know, sex feels better for girl, then it does boy
[9/25/2013 6:52:31 AM] JJ: sex feel so good for a girl
[9/25/2013 6:52:43 AM] JJ: first time hurts yes.. but hmm after not sure how many times :P
[9/25/2013 6:52:46 AM] Rebecca: I don't know about it :/
[9/25/2013 6:52:47 AM] JJ: maybe 2nd im not sure
[9/25/2013 6:52:53 AM] JJ: eventually, it can be best feeling
[9/25/2013 6:52:56 AM] JJ: but.. its all about romance
[9/25/2013 6:53:04 AM] JJ: not much feeling if its just fucking
[9/25/2013 6:53:16 AM] JJ: thats why girls do ''girl thing''
[9/25/2013 6:53:17 AM] JJ: hahaha
[9/25/2013 6:53:27 AM] Rebecca: Hahahahaha
[9/25/2013 6:54:10 AM] Rebecca: Sooooooo
[9/25/2013 6:54:23 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 6:54:24 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 6:54:25 AM] Rebecca: Still doing the "guy things" ?
[9/25/2013 6:54:33 AM] JJ: no,  because i was speaking serious with you
[9/25/2013 6:54:46 AM] JJ: if i was doing boy thing, it would not be my honest
[9/25/2013 6:54:46 AM] Rebecca: Ohh kk
[9/25/2013 6:54:49 AM] JJ: it would be my dick talking
[9/25/2013 6:54:49 AM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 6:54:58 AM] Rebecca: Lolol
[9/25/2013 6:55:14 AM] JJ: but i will do now in 1 second lol
[9/25/2013 6:55:32 AM] Rebecca: Ok that's fast. 1sec
[9/25/2013 6:55:35 AM] JJ: i open file of you singing first
[9/25/2013 6:55:37 AM] JJ: lol not 1 sec !
[9/25/2013 6:55:39 AM] JJ: i mean, i will start
[9/25/2013 6:55:41 AM] JJ: in one moment
[9/25/2013 6:55:46 AM] Rebecca: Oh
[9/25/2013 6:55:48 AM] Rebecca: Hahahahaha okok
[9/25/2013 6:56:41 AM] JJ: you really sing good
[9/25/2013 6:57:14 AM] Rebecca: Hahahahaha
[9/25/2013 6:57:50 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 6:58:07 AM] JJ: ok :P doing!
[9/25/2013 6:58:10 AM] Rebecca: ><
[9/25/2013 6:58:16 AM] Rebecca: Oh ok lolol!
[9/25/2013 6:58:27 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 6:58:28 AM] JJ: see im bad :D
[9/25/2013 6:58:44 AM] Rebecca: Typing with 1 hand ?
[9/25/2013 6:58:47 AM] Rebecca: Lolol
[9/25/2013 6:58:48 AM] JJ: yes
[9/25/2013 6:58:55 AM] Rebecca: Knew it hahahahaha
[9/25/2013 6:58:58 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 6:59:00 AM] Rebecca: :P
[9/25/2013 6:59:04 AM] JJ: if u were here
[9/25/2013 6:59:07 AM] JJ: im typing with 0 hands
[9/25/2013 6:59:07 AM] JJ: :D
[9/25/2013 6:59:18 AM] Rebecca: Lo lolol !!!!
[9/25/2013 7:00:25 AM] JJ: feels good :P
[9/25/2013 7:00:38 AM] Rebecca: Haha really ?!
[9/25/2013 7:00:45 AM] JJ: very,
[9/25/2013 7:01:00 AM] Rebecca: Hmmmmm
[9/25/2013 7:01:14 AM] Rebecca: What if I call you know LOLOL I'm just kidding
[9/25/2013 7:01:19 AM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 7:01:24 AM] JJ: you need to not laugh
[9/25/2013 7:01:29 AM] JJ: or you will make me too shy
[9/25/2013 7:01:44 AM] Rebecca: Ok :x
[9/25/2013 7:02:02 AM] Rebecca: My mouth will be like this :x
[9/25/2013 7:02:06 AM] JJ: hahaha
[9/25/2013 7:02:33 AM] JJ: well? ;p
[9/25/2013 7:02:36 AM] JJ: you going to sing for me?
[9/25/2013 7:02:48 AM] Rebecca: Ah ?! Sing ?!
[9/25/2013 7:02:55 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 7:03:30 AM] Rebecca: It's morning here already n..... In 10 mins time I need to prepare :x
[9/25/2013 7:03:39 AM] JJ: then you better sing for me fast
[9/25/2013 7:03:40 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 7:04:07 AM] Rebecca: Hold on
[9/25/2013 7:04:47 AM] JJ: also :P when you do have a bf
[9/25/2013 7:04:49 AM] JJ: make him use his tongue on you
[9/25/2013 7:04:53 AM] JJ: that is the girls best dream
[9/25/2013 7:05:48 AM] Rebecca: Not gonna happen
[9/25/2013 7:05:53 AM] Rebecca: About the bf part
[9/25/2013 7:05:58 AM] JJ: you never know :P
[9/25/2013 7:06:34 AM] Rebecca: Ok u ready
[9/25/2013 7:06:36 AM] Rebecca: ??
[9/25/2013 7:06:41 AM] JJ: urd
[9/25/2013 7:06:42 AM] JJ: yes
[9/25/2013 7:06:43 AM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 7:06:49 AM] JJ: my breathing is calm
[9/25/2013 7:06:53 AM] Rebecca: My morning voice is so dead
[9/25/2013 7:07:30 AM] Rebecca: Call me
[9/25/2013 7:07:38 AM] *** Missed call from JJ. ***
[9/25/2013 7:52:44 AM] JJ:  u dc?
[9/25/2013 7:53:44 AM] *** Missed call from JJ. ***
[9/25/2013 8:01:49 AM] JJ: enjoy your day, see u when you are home :P
[9/25/2013 8:01:54 AM] Rebecca: Crazy guy lol
[9/25/2013 8:02:06 AM] JJ: i may home 2 hours late, because im leave 2 hours late
[9/25/2013 8:02:10 AM] JJ: but i think maybe normal time for u :P
[9/25/2013 8:02:47 AM] JJ: ok i shower and leave! see u later :D
[9/25/2013 8:03:15 AM] Rebecca: Hehehehe
[9/25/2013 8:03:15 AM] Rebecca: Okok
[9/25/2013 6:16:28 PM] Rebecca: Hi crazy guy. :x
[9/25/2013 8:31:04 PM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 8:31:09 PM] JJ: just home
[9/25/2013 8:32:52 PM] JJ: im sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy
[9/25/2013 8:32:59 PM] JJ: i think u already dead from so tired? lol
[9/25/2013 9:47:16 PM] Rebecca: Ho
[9/25/2013 9:47:26 PM] Rebecca: Crazy guy
[9/25/2013 9:47:33 PM] JJ: ho ho ho
[9/25/2013 9:47:36 PM] JJ: im in game
[9/25/2013 9:47:46 PM] *** Missed call from JJ. ***
[9/25/2013 9:49:21 PM] JJ: u cant hear me?
[9/25/2013 9:51:39 PM] *** Missed call from JJ. ***
[9/25/2013 9:53:11 PM] JJ: something wrong
[9/25/2013 9:53:11 PM] JJ: (worry)
[9/25/2013 9:53:31 PM] Rebecca: So weird
[9/25/2013 9:53:50 PM] Rebecca: I can hear you like trying to on the mic or something
[9/25/2013 9:53:50 PM] JJ: i think its my headset
[9/25/2013 9:54:03 PM] Rebecca: But after awhile it's gone
[9/25/2013 9:54:17 PM] JJ: yea i think its my headset
[9/25/2013 9:54:36 PM] Rebecca: You go play your game first
[9/25/2013 9:54:48 PM] Rebecca: We'll try that later again
[9/25/2013 9:57:07 PM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 9:57:09 PM] JJ: my game over
[9/25/2013 9:57:14 PM] JJ: im checking about my mic
[9/25/2013 9:57:17 PM] Rebecca: Ok
[9/25/2013 9:57:20 PM] JJ: i think dog chew the wires
[9/25/2013 9:57:34 PM] JJ: that is ok, i can buy another tomorrow
[9/25/2013 9:57:43 PM] JJ: ill pick one up before or after work
[9/25/2013 9:58:06 PM] Rebecca: Nooooooooo :(
[9/25/2013 9:58:18 PM] JJ: brb 5-10 mins
[9/25/2013 9:58:22 PM] JJ: i need to recheck my moms car service
[9/25/2013 9:58:24 PM] JJ: brb :P
[9/25/2013 9:58:27 PM] Rebecca: Alright
[9/25/2013 10:41:26 PM] JJ: baaackkk
[9/25/2013 10:41:32 PM] JJ: i was long
[9/25/2013 10:41:33 PM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 10:41:37 PM] JJ: that was nota  5-10 minute job at all!
[9/25/2013 10:41:40 PM] JJ: im even out of breath
[9/25/2013 10:41:53 PM] Rebecca: Hahahahahahaha
[9/25/2013 10:42:08 PM] Rebecca: More like 50- 100mins
[9/25/2013 10:43:47 PM] JJ: ahaha
[9/25/2013 10:44:18 PM] Rebecca: :P
[9/25/2013 10:44:40 PM] JJ: u need to sleep
[9/25/2013 10:44:44 PM] JJ: u not slept in over a day
[9/25/2013 10:44:53 PM] JJ: you sleep now and we speak when u wake up
[9/25/2013 10:45:02 PM] Rebecca: I sleep already
[9/25/2013 10:45:09 PM] JJ: whenn
[9/25/2013 10:45:12 PM] JJ: it was not long enough!
[9/25/2013 10:45:12 PM] Rebecca: I came hoke early
[9/25/2013 10:45:33 PM] JJ: u need to go bed in 1 hour!
[9/25/2013 10:45:38 PM] JJ: because u need ur sleeping pattern o time
[9/25/2013 10:45:38 PM] JJ: on
[9/25/2013 10:46:08 PM] Rebecca: James I was home in like 9hours ago
[9/25/2013 10:46:44 PM] Rebecca: Brb
[9/25/2013 10:46:52 PM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 10:51:55 PM] Rebecca: back
[9/25/2013 10:52:01 PM] JJ: wb
[9/25/2013 10:52:22 PM] Rebecca: ty :P
[9/25/2013 10:52:29 PM] JJ: your bed time is midnight ok?
[9/25/2013 10:52:32 PM] JJ: latest 1am if we playing LoL
[9/25/2013 10:52:42 PM] Rebecca: im on com now.
[9/25/2013 10:52:43 PM] JJ: after that time, i will not reply to your messages
[9/25/2013 10:52:51 PM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 10:52:54 PM] JJ: i want healthy friends
[9/25/2013 10:52:55 PM] Rebecca: why ? :(
[9/25/2013 10:52:56 PM] JJ: not sick
[9/25/2013 10:52:59 PM] JJ: not weak from tired
[9/25/2013 10:53:06 PM] JJ: because, unhealthy is bad
[9/25/2013 10:53:08 PM] JJ: and unattractive
[9/25/2013 10:53:23 PM] JJ: sleep is very important
[9/25/2013 10:53:25 PM] Rebecca: T^T
[9/25/2013 10:53:56 PM] Rebecca: but i can stay up late today
[9/25/2013 10:53:58 PM] Rebecca: :(
[9/25/2013 10:54:09 PM] JJ: nope!!!
[9/25/2013 10:54:11 PM] JJ: 1am!
[9/25/2013 10:55:27 PM] Rebecca: but i'm not working tml !
[9/25/2013 10:55:29 PM] Rebecca: :(
[9/25/2013 10:55:37 PM] JJ: u still ned sleep!
[9/25/2013 10:55:39 PM] JJ: lets Lol soon
[9/25/2013 10:56:14 PM] Rebecca: trust me i cant sleep later on because i slept from 2-8
[9/25/2013 11:01:32 PM] JJ: :P
[9/25/2013 11:01:40 PM] JJ: ok, 3am!
[9/25/2013 11:01:42 PM] JJ: last offor!
[9/25/2013 11:01:46 PM] JJ: thats.. ur awake
[9/25/2013 11:01:49 PM] JJ: 8-3
[9/25/2013 11:01:54 PM] Rebecca: :(
[9/25/2013 11:01:54 PM] JJ: thats 7 hours awake!
[9/25/2013 11:01:59 PM] JJ: average person is only awake 13 hours!
[9/25/2013 11:02:06 PM] JJ: and u are lacking sleep!
[9/25/2013 11:02:51 PM] Rebecca: today its not 8-3 !
[9/25/2013 11:02:55 PM] Rebecca: its 11-3 D:
[9/25/2013 11:03:51 PM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 11:08:41 PM] Rebecca: ahh
[9/25/2013 11:08:52 PM] Rebecca: its going be 11.30- 3 if you not talking or moving !!
[9/25/2013 11:08:55 PM] Rebecca: D:
[9/25/2013 11:09:34 PM] JJ: haha sorry, but you are awake since 8!
[9/25/2013 11:09:36 PM] JJ: so, it counts 8-3!
[9/25/2013 11:09:52 PM] JJ: yes im not talking or moving because :P im on phone to my brother, him and his friend is arriving over in  while
[9/25/2013 11:09:58 PM] JJ: and im telling him i have plans tonight
[9/25/2013 11:10:05 PM] JJ: that tonight is not a good idea
[9/25/2013 11:10:22 PM] Rebecca: ohhhhhhhhh wad plans u having tonight uh!
[9/25/2013 11:10:26 PM] Rebecca: hahahhas.
[9/25/2013 11:10:30 PM] JJ: LoL
[9/25/2013 11:10:31 PM] JJ: lol
[9/25/2013 11:10:36 PM] JJ: but he dont know that
[9/25/2013 11:10:41 PM] Rebecca: OK !
[9/25/2013 11:10:48 PM] Rebecca: TONIGHT LETS LoL !
[9/25/2013 11:10:50 PM] Rebecca: WEEEEEEEE
[9/25/2013 11:11:02 PM] JJ: hahaha
[9/25/2013 11:11:05 PM] JJ: go on LoL
[9/25/2013 11:11:10 PM] JJ: we play in few mins
[9/25/2013 11:11:37 PM] JJ: invite when u can :D
[9/25/2013 11:11:44 PM] JJ: but i cant play till after call
[9/25/2013 11:11:59 PM] Rebecca: okays !
no problem
[9/25/2013 11:29:53 PM] JJ: haha
[9/25/2013 11:29:55 PM] JJ: just off phone
[9/25/2013 11:29:58 PM] JJ: now i give shopping list to my mom
[9/25/2013 11:30:00 PM] Rebecca: hehe okays
[9/25/2013 11:47:30 PM] Rebecca: lalalala

I love this day the most :)

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